
The first Rotary Club in Győr was founded in 1932 and operated until 1938. The present club was formed in 1991 and has been a full member of Rotary International since October 7th 1992.

Our club is best represented by the goals formulated in the statutes of our club:

Maintaining friendships and thus providing an opportunity to help.

Adopting high ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society.

Applying the ideal of service and help in each Rotarian's personal, business and community life.

The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

The mission of our Rotary Club is to serve the community above self.

We feel that our efforts are substantiated by the achievements of the last 15 years. Rotary Club is well-known in our town and is considered one of the most active civil organisations.

Therefore we kindly recommend our Club and its website to those interested.

Dr Horváth József

founding Chairman of Rotary Club Győr